Fiqh al-Ta’wil wa al- Tafsir (Hermeneutik) Khaleed Abou el-Fadl, Speaking in God’s Name
One of the great thinkers in the contemporary era was Khaleed Abou El-Fadl, a prominent public intellectual about Islamic law. Through his work, Speaking in God 's Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Woman, Khaleed Abou El-Fadl offers a new methodological framework in the study of Islamic law using the hermeneutic approach. hermeneutics is to negotiate the role of text, authors, and readers in determining the meaning of authoritative texts. Khaleed Abou El-Fadl stated that the integrity of the text was damaged, not dynamic, and could not carry out its function in responding to the challenges and demands of the global era because of authoritarianism or despotic interpretation by locking God's will behind texts, interpretations or fatwas based on certain ideologies.
Keywords: Interpretation, Hermeneutics, Khaleed Abou El-Fadl.
Salah satu pemikir besar di era kontemporer adalah Khaleed Abou El-Fadl, seorang intelektual publik terkemuka tentang hukum Islam. Melalui karyanya, Speaking in God’s Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Woman, Khaleed Abou El-Fadl menawarkan kerangka metodologi baru dalam studi hukum Islam dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika. hermeneutikanya adalah menegosiasikan peran teks, pengarang, dan pembaca dalam menentukan makna teks otoritatif. Khaleed Abou El-Fadl menyatakan bahwa integritas teks menjadi rusak, tidak dinamis, dan tidak dapat menjalankan fungsinya dalam merespon tantangan dan tuntutan era global karena otoritarianisme atau penafsiran despotic dengan cara mengunci kehendak Tuhan di belakang teks, interpretasi, atau fatwa berdasarkan ideologi tertentu.
Kata Kunci: Tafsir, Hermeneutik, Abu Khalid Abu Fadhl.
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