The Rationality of Maulana Muhammad Ali's Interpretation of the Miracles of Prophet Moses

Sa’dullah Assa’idi* -  UNISNU Jepara, Indonesia
The verses of the Qur'an have two types of meaning, namely mutasyabihat (irrational) and muhkamat (rational). The matter of miracles can be classified as something mutasyabihat because the prophets show these events to show aspects of God's intervention to the unbelievers. One such phenomenon is Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 50, about the sea splitting. This miracle was given to the prophet Moses to avoid Pharaoh and his army. Commentators such as ar-Razi and Hamka confirm the verse as evidence of God's Majesty. However, it differs from Maulana Muhammad Ali's interpretation, which explains the miracle of the prophet Musa's ability to pass through the sea due to receding water. Therefore, the difference between Maulana Muhammad Ali's interpretation and other commentators raises problems, namely how irrational meanings such as the splitting of the sea are understood by Ali rationally and how the categorization of Ali's interpretation. This research is qualitative, library research that accumulates documentation data. The analysis used in this study is based on Tafsir's interpretive approach and rationality. The results of this study are Maulana Muhammad Ali provides an interpretation of the event of the splitting of the sea, and it is understood that the receding of the seawater is a rational reason so that the prophet Musa and his people could pass through the sea

Keywords : rationality; Maulana Muhammad Ali; interpretation; miracles prophet Moses

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