Hubungan Antara Kemiskinan dengan Capaian SDGs Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara

Asmul Fauzi Harahap (IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)
Nona Soraya Pasaribu (IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


The welfare of society is the goal of all nations. Independence does not only mean freedom from invaders, but how to achieve a just, prosperous society, and free from poverty. The purpose of this study is to find out how the relationship between poverty and sustainable development goals (SDGs) in North Sumatra Province is. This study uses CausalitY Granger methods, the source of data is obtained through secondary data in the form of cross-sectional data in 2020 in North Sumatra Province. The results showed that poverty was not related to the achievement of the SDGs in North Sumatra Province, while the achievement of the SDGs had a correlation with poverty in the Province of North Sumatra. The results of this study are expected that the government of North Sumatra Province and regencies/cities in North Sumatra Province can work together to achieve optimal SDGs and be able to make policies between provinces and cities that are in the same direction so that poverty levels can be reduced in accordance with the achievements of the SDGs, in the future it is expected new goals such as the Islamic Sustainable Development Goals (ISDGs).


Public Welfare, SDGs, North Sumatra

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