Pengaruh Current Ratio, Return on Assets, dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Financial Distress Pada PT Mitra Investindo Tbk Periode 2013-2021
The background of this research problem is the existence of a phenomenon that is not following the theory on the current ratio, return on assets and company size on financial distress at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk period 2013-2021. The study aimed to determine the effect of the current ratio, return on assets and firm size on financial distress at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk period 2013-2021. The samples used in this study were 33 samples with the saturated sample technique. The results showed an effect of the current ratio on financial distress at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk period 2013-2021. There is an effect of Return on assets on financial distress at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk period 2013-2021. There is no effect of company size on the financial distress of PT. Mitra investindo Tbk 2013-2021. There is an effect of the current ratio, return on assets and company size on financial distress at PT. Mitra Investindo Tbk 2013-2021.
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