Djuandana Pamungkas (Pustakawan STAIN Kediri, Indonesia)


The preservation of library materials has great benefits to save the physical condition and get a library materials. Inconceivable that an information being sought can not be found because of being repaired or physical library materials in question can not be touched, held, or even damaged. Hence the importance of the library to plan the preservation of materials in a library.

This article is a qualitative research conducted in the library of STAIN Kediri. describe the implementation of preservation of library materials in the Library STAIN Kediri. The data source of this research is the field data obtained from the observation and documentation of the implementation of preservation. In addition, data were also obtained through interviews of the head of the library and the pustawakan at STAIN Kediri. Selection of the source in this case, using purposive sampling technique.

The results of this study indicate that the preservation of library materials in the Library STAIN Kediri just being done by binding the damaged materials, this task is performed by one person while the number of collections were damaged in the hundreds, while the constraints faced in this activity are no any guidelines of preservation of library materials, the limited number of staff, lack of infrastructure and low awareness of the users to keep the library collection.


preservation; library materials; Library of STAIN Kediri

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