Abu A'la al-Maududi is an accomplished speaker and a very productive writer, especially in the field of religion. In this connection it is important to always observe Abu A'la's views related to politics, the state, and Islam. Not much different from other thinkers. Abu A'la is a great thinker of Islam who is very well known in the Islamic world. Pakistan, more than any Islamic country, faces more interesting problems in its struggle to get its Islamic identity. Since the establishment of an Islamic state in 1947, the Pakistani nation has tried to show its importance in its existence. And the first choice fruit presents two types of modern Islamic states namely Maulana Abu A'la Maududi, a founder of a political organization (Jama'ati Islam) proposing a more traditional theocratic state form, while Fazlur Rahman a professor of Islamic studies from Cambridge University who is also the director of the Islamic Study Board who has the support of the government, provides an overview of a more modern Islamic state based on popular sovereignty. Although in the past Pakistan declared itself to be a Republican state, there was no one that had ever been compiled to implement Islam.
In the 1970s, Islam reappeared in political settings in Pakistan and encouraged the emergence of ideas for the establishment of an Islamic government system. General Zia ul-Haq, who seized power from Zulfikor Ali Buttho in 1977, tried to find a legal basis legally for his actions to seize the power, by appealing for the treatment of the Islamic government system. Among the major changes he made was the compilation of a set of Islamic laws as outlined in his provisions entitled the application of the Islamic system. Pakistan's failure to carry out its Islamic group in the field of justice was caused by the attitude of a retired judge B.Z. Kalkaus, who in 1976 filed a petition against the application of the political system and Islamic legal system in Pakistan. And in 1977 when Zia ul-Haq established the "Mahkmah Syar'iyah Judicial System" and appealed to the courts so that all legal regulations were adjusted to the rules of Islamic law. From the description above, the writer can conclude that from the various figures that have been stated, they have their special characteristics. Abu A'la al-Maududi is more traditionalist than Fazlur Rahman. Abu a'la is a reliable politician and also a top class academic whose thoughts are interesting to.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.24952/almaqasid.v5i1.1720
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