Syafieh Syafieh (Scopus ID 57226864135, SINTA ID : 5979824, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Langsa, Indonesia, Indonesia)


Hamilton A.R Gibb was an important and influential British orientalist. His works have become the most authoritative reference source for young orientalists. In his book entitled Mohammedanism An Historical Survey, he criticized the the Qur’an. This article aims to analyze H.A.R.Gibb's criticism of the the Qur’an. By using a qualitative method that focuses on H.A.R. Gibb's book Mohammedanism An Historical Survey, we find H.A.R.Gibb's criticism as follows. First, Gibb views the Qur'an not as a divinely revealed book, but as a book of human inspiration issued by the Prophet, done alone or with the help of other people, whose identity is not clear. Second, regarding the story of the final judgment, According to Gibb, the story is very similar to the writings of the Syrian Christian fathers and monks. Third, regarding the language and rhetoric used in the Qur’an, it is not something that can be imitated, even Arabs who master Arabic cannot make it the same as what is in it. the Qur’an. Fourth, Gibb criticized the writing of the the Qur’an, starting from the punctuation and reading that the Prophet conveyed, there were no changes to the the Qur’an in essence. Fifth, Gibb also criticized the recitation of the Qur’an which uses a rhythm, such as recitations


Criticism, H.A.R Gibb, Mohammedanism An Historical Survey, The Qur'an.

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