Desri Ari Enghariano (Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)
Ihdi Aini (Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


The role of production is very vital in determining human living standards and the welfare of a nation. The Quran has created a very strong foundation regarding production. The Quran and hadith show many examples when ordering Muslims to work hard in earning a living, so that their lives can continue in a better position. However, the reality that occurs in production matters is that there are still many violations of the norms established by the Quran. For example, in terms of production principles and objectives, the facts that occur are very far from the spirit of justice and benefit. In the matter of production factors, the visible reality is that capital is still not free from interest, it is still in contact with usury. The same thing happens to the workforce, profits are still the absolute right of the capital owner. Many land uses are still carried out in arbitrary ways that are detrimental to society. All of the inequality that occurs is caused by ignoring Islamic norms that originate from the Quran.This research is included in the scope of humanities studies which can be researched through literature (library research). Whatever research is carried out, the subject cannot be separated from literature or books and documents. By its nature, the research written is qualitative research. The results of this research explain that Muslim humans in production activities must pay attention to Qur'anic norms, namely based on justice, must not be unjust to other parties, professional in work, Production needs to be controlled by faith and piety, and production activities must have beneficial value.


Norm, Interpretation, Production

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