Moh. abdul majid al-Ansari (IAIN Madura, Indonesia)
Nafilah Sulfa (IAIN Madura, Indonesia)
Sawaluddin Siregar (, Indonesia)


Patriarchal culture is a culture that places men higher than women. This culture with a high level of masculinity is widely embraced by the majority of countries around the world. The superiority of men results in rampant violence against women, especially in the domestic realm of the family. Unfortunately, the justification for this act of violence is trying to find in the verses of the Qur'an, including Q.S. An-Nisa: 34. This research uses a conceptual thematic research method. The type of research used is library research which relies on literature sources. The approach used is Fazlur Rahman's double movement hermeneutic approach. The use of this approach is to reveal the historicity of the verse and then take the moral idea of the verse in the framework of its application in the present. The results of this study indicate that from a historical point of view Q.S. An-Nisa: 34 actually descended as a response to the patriarchal culture which was deeply rooted among the Arab nation. This verse contains three main moral ideas, namely indicating the obligation of a husband as the head of the household to provide maintenance and protection for his wife, indicating the obligation of a good wife to take care of herself, and explaining how to educate a wife who commits nusyūz acts. These three moral ideas inspire that husband and wife are truly family partners who have the same portion of rights, responsibilities and even degrees.


(Patriarchal Culture, Q.S. Al-Nisa': 34, Hermeneutics of the Double Movement, Fazlur Rahman)

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