Agusri Fauzan (Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Indonesia)


Nowadays many people, especially young people, do not really care about religious guidance, including matters of marriage. Most of them only pay attention to things such as the physical condition or wealth of a woman and it is not uncommon for them to no longer consider important things such as heredity and religion of the woman who will become her potential partner. So that there is degradation in the selection of a life partner, thus causing various problems to occur in a household, ranging from disputes that occur because of different opinions or beliefs to domestic violence which will lead to divorce. This paper will explore the meaning contained in the hadith about the four cases of marrying a woman from a social perspective. This research will use the library method through hadith literature and books relating to the hadith. The author also uses a sociological approach in understanding this hadith to gain a new understanding, but not out of the context of the hadith. The results of research from understanding this hadith are that a man who wants to marry a woman and make her his life partner should pay attention to four important things that exist in a woman, namely, her wealth, lineage or lineage, her beauty both physically and morally and her religion. The most important thing to consider in marrying a woman is her religion. Because by practicing religion properly, a sakinah marriage life will be achieved.


Hadith; Marriage; Sociology

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