The diversity of responses from Al-Quran readers to the Al-Quran is increasing and varying. The description of social and religious events whose existence cannot be denied further strengthens the fact that Islamic society responds to the holy book Al-Qur'an with various practices. Likewise, the Kaffah Quran House brings the Koran to life through the Tahfizh Ummi-ummi program which teaches the Quran House. For the holy verses of the Al-Quran which are used as the basis for implementing this tahfizh program, in this article the author focuses on the response of the Ummi-ummis of the Koran Kaffah House in Understanding the Verses of the Al-Quran. The Koran is applied in the Koran memorization program in Tengah. Their daily activities are very busy. This is compared with the theory used by the author, namely reception theory with a phenomenological approach initiated by Edmund Husserl. The type of research carried out is mixed methods research, meaning it combines two research methods at once, namely quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative method is carried out systematically using numbers in percentage graphs to display the informative data results obtained. Then, the data obtained was analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. The results of this research conclude that the Al-Quran Kaffah House is reviewed functionally and exegetically. From this understanding, social interpretation emerged which was then applied in the practice of the weekly Tahfizh program. The informant's understanding of 84% of the contents of verse 17 of Surah Al-Qamar was an encouragement in the process of memorizing the Al-Quran. The truth about the miracles of the Qur'an as well as the guarantee for anyone who memorizes and takes irah from the Qur'an is based on the logic of pragmatic epistemology. The symbolism obtained from the external structure shows that the Ummi of the Al-Quran House in Kaffah belongs to the ustadz type. Meanwhile, the internal elements show the presence of a moral message, a means of friendship between fellow teachers, regardless of age, race and ethnicity. The symbolic meaning of this weekly tahfizh program activity can form a good personality, such as loving the Koran, increasing motivation to improve memorization, sharpening memorization skills, making use of free time, bringing happiness and soothing the heart and soul.
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