nurhusni kamil (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)


Hadith is the second source in determining the law for Muslims. Its position is as important as the Qur'an so understanding the intent and meaning of a hadith is as necessary as understanding the intent and meaning of the verses of the Qur'an. So it is necessary for a hadith lecturer to know the steps and the right way to understand a hadith. There are several methods that can be used in understanding a hadith as a form of strengthening the social and historical setting in understanding hadith. The type of research used is in the form of a literature review by collecting materials related to the discussion that will be discussed in this research. The theories collected were obtained from various sources or literature related to the study in this study. The results of this study indicate that there is a strengthening of social and historical settings in understanding a hadith by the mufassir of hadith in order to explain the intent and meaning of a hadith. This research provides a contribution to readers who want to know about the social history of a hadith as well as several methods that have been used by previous hadith scholars in explaining the meaning of a hadith so that hadith can be accepted among any community.


Strengthening Social Setting;History;Hadith

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