Tasya Namira Nasution (IAIN Padangsidimpuan)
Yusni Sinaga (IAIN Padangsidimpuan)
Rayendriani Fahmei Lubis (IAIN Padangsidimpuan)


This research discussed about transitive and intransitive verbs in song lyrics by Harris J. A verb is a word that expresse action or a state of being and is  necessary to make a statement. There are three kinds of transitive verbs, they are: monotransitive, distransitive, and complex transitive. There are two kinds of intransitive verb, they are: complete predication and incomplete predication. There were two formulations of the problems in this research, the first was what are kinds of transitive and intransitive used in Harris J’s song? . The second, what is dominant form of the verb used in lyrics song by Harris J?. The objectives of this research were to find out how many transitive and intransitive verbs and to find the dominant of transitive and intransitive verbs. The kind of the research was library research. The data source was taken from all the lyrics of the songs “Good Life, I Promise, My Hero, and The One” by Harris J. The data analysis used in this research were preparing the data for analysis, understanding the data, identifying the data, starting with reading the specified song lyrics including transitive or intransitive verbs and classifying and finally describing the data. From the result of the data analysis of the four Harris J’s songs, the researcher found the total percantage 64% those were 40 verbs that contain transitive verb, the researcher found 38 monotransitive, 2 distransitive and there was no complex transitive and intransitive verbs with the total percantage 36% those were 23 verbs; 19 complete predication and 4 incomplete predication

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