Vegetation and Plant Diversity Analysis in Stain Madina Grounds
Data were collected through field surveys that included species type, dominance analysis, density and relative density measurements, and plant frequency. Asystasia gangetica became the dominant species during the secondary succession stage, due to its high ability to colonize and adapt to disturbed environmental conditions. Apart from Asystasia gangetica, the natural vegetation consists of Digitaria sanguinalis (jarji grass), Meryta latifolia (M. latifolia leaves), Curculigo capitulaca (palm grass), Anthurium crystallinum, and Clitoria ternatea (bay flower). The dominance of Asystasia gangetica is influenced by post-tilling soil conditions, competition with other species, and its ability to adapt. Climatic factors are also important elements that influence the course of succession. Practical implications of this study include recommendations for increasing vegetation diversity and vegetation monitoring strategies in the context of secondary succession
Keywords: Vegetation Dynamics, Types of Species, Plant Density.
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Jurusan Tadris Biologi UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan
Jln. T. Rizal Nurdin Km 4,5 Sihitang Kampus Utama UIN SYAHADA Padangsidimpuan 22733
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