Educational Psychology in Indonesia: Challenges and Solutions (Literature Review)

Asridayani Asridayani* -  UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Salma Nadhifa Asy-Syahida -  UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Neng Moya Sabhana Shaiq -  UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Tarsono Tarsono -  UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Educational psychology is a field of science that plays an important role in improving the quality of education with a focus on students' cognitive, affective, and socio-emotional development. In Indonesia, the implementation of educational psychology still faces various challenges, especially related to the disparity in the quality of education between urban and rural areas, the lack of teacher understanding of educational psychology, and minimal teacher training. This study aims to analyze the challenges of implementing educational psychology in Indonesian schools and its contribution to improving the quality of education. Using a literature study approach and descriptive qualitative analysis, this study found that the main challenges lie in limited infrastructure, lack of resources for inclusive education, and low understanding of motivation theory and differences in learning styles. Nevertheless, educational psychology can contribute significantly to creating a more inclusive and adaptive learning environment, increasing student motivation, and supporting their holistic development. This study emphasizes the importance of training and professional development for teachers, as well as collaboration between schools and families to achieve better quality education in Indonesia.

Keywords : Indonesian Educational Psychology, Challenges and Solutions for Implementation.

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Open Access Copyright (c) 2024 Asridayani Asridayani, Salma Nadhifa Asy-Syahida, Neng Moya Sabhana Shaiq, Tarsono Tarsono
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