Dame Siregar* -  Dosen Fakultas Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum, Indonesia
Hadist  of  aqiqoh   is not found in Al-Qur’an and it  is a kind of cutting animal  in Zahiliah as representation of qurban in Adam and Ibrahim Prophets. The Hadist is always contra between on and another where the  hadists  are  sohih  on its quality.  The  Hadist  is contra with  siroh Nabi Muhammad (PBUH).  So,  hadist  on  aqiqah   has been  mansukh  and
empowered by hadist forbiding Fatimah and Ali bin Abu Tolib to give aqiqoh on Hasan dan Husain.
  1. Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad Ahmad, Juz 2 (Cairo: Mauqiu Wizarah Al Awqaf Al Mishriyah, t.thn.)
  2. Departemen Agama, Al Quran dan Terjemahannya, (Bandung: Syaamil Cipta Media, 2004),
  3. Ibnu Qayyim, Tuhfatu Al Maudud, Juz I (Damaskus: Maktabah Dar Al Bayan, 1971)
  4. Kitab 9 Imam Hadits, Lidwa Pusaka i-Software:
  5. Munawwir Ahmad Warson, Kamus Al Munawiir, (t.t.: t.p., t.thn.)
  6. Wahbah Zuhaili, Fiqhu Al Islami wa Adillatuhu, (Damaskus: Dar Al Fikr, 1997).

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