Zulhammi Zulhammi* -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia

In an Islamic perspective, for a reference to the ethics of the teacher profession which can refer to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, because he as an apostle has a superior quality personality as a teacher and guide.
The ethics of the teaching profession includes the ethics of the teacher towards himself, among others, being able to be responsible for his scientific insight and expertise and having to practice the knowledge he has in order to benefit himself and benefit others. Teachers' ethics towards their students, they understand the condition of their students, try to transfer knowledge to students until they understand, uphold self-esteem, integrity and never demean their dignity. Teachers' ethics towards peers include, among other things, that teachers should not make false statements regarding the qualifications and competence of peers and not cause conflicts with peers. Teacher ethics towards parents of students include teachers trying to foster effective and efficient cooperative relationships and deliberation in carrying out the educational process. Teacher professional ethics towards the community, among others, teachers must have the ability to communicate well with the community. Teacher ethics in this case concerns their concern for social problems, mutual cooperation, mutual assistance, egalitarianism (equality between humans), tolerance, and so on.

Keywords : Ethics; profession; teachers; the hadith of the Prophet

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