Syafnan Syafnan* -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia

This thesis entitled "The efforts of Islamic Religion teachers in increasing the motivation to learn Islamic Islamic education at SMP Negeri 2 Sei Kanan District, Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency." So the problem in this research is that there are students who skip class when the learning process is taking place, lazy to do assignments, noisy in the room. And the lack of hours of PAI subjects.
In the above problem, this study aims to determine the description of what Islamic Religion teachers have done in increasing students 'motivation to learn Islamic Islamic education in SMP Negeri 2 Sei Kanan District, Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency, the efforts made by Islamic Religion teachers in increasing students' motivation to learn Islamic Islamic education in SMP Negeri 2 Keamatan. Sei Kanan, Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency, and the obstacles faced by Islamic Religion Teachers in increasing students' PAI Learning Motivation at SMP Negeri 2 Sei Kanan District, Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency.
In this study, a qualitative research was used using descriptive methods, namely a method that describes the symptoms found in the field. By using data collection instruments consisting of observation, interviews and documentation.
From the results of the researcher and the discussion, it was concluded that the efforts made by Islamic Religion Teachers in Increasing Student Motivation for Islamic Education in SMP Negeri 2 Sei Kanan District, Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency were giving praise, giving tests, giving numbers or assessments, knowing learning outcomes and giving punishment . Then the obstacle faced by Islamic Religious Education teachers is the lack of subject hours, but Islamic Religion teachers try to optimize that little time, namely by holding additional lessons once a week, then dealing with students who are lazy to do assignments, this is where the most difficult obstacles to face The Islamic Religion teacher, however, the Islamic Religion teacher is patient in dealing with students who do not do their job. And there are also students who are noisy when the learning process is taking place, and going in and out of the room, this is disturbing the concentration of the student's learning

Keywords : Teacher; motivation to learn; Islamic Religious Education

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Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 Syafnan Syafnan
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 P-ISSN: 2338-8692        E-ISSN: 2715-6745

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