Applying Relational Cultural Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory to the Analysis of the Relationship between Religion and the Development of Childhood Anxiety in Learning

Liah Rosdiani Nasution* -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia

Childhood anxiety develops partly from environmental factors such as religion. Anxiety is the most common childhood mental health disorder, and 90% of families worldwide claim some type of religion. There is mixed research regarding the relationship between childhood anxiety and religion, but theories can be used to asses and predict how this relationship might work. Relational Cultural Theory proposes that the family and religious community interactions that occur cause a child to develop their relational images in a certain way. If these interactions are not positive connections, then the child may develop struggles with anxiety. On the other hand, Symbolic Interaction Theory looks at these social interactions and focuses on the meaning that the child attributes to objects in their reality. Under this theory, religious beliefs would influence how the child assigns these meanings, and whether the meanings increase childhood anxiety.

Keywords : childhood anxiety; religion; relational cultural; symbolic interaction

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