hamdan hasibuan* -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia

            Islamic religious education has a very big impact on our lives, especially if that education is applied from childhood, because childhood is the first step to form the whole human person, childhood is like a sheet of white paper that is not stained, so that It is easy for us parents, especially for prospective educators to start imparting Islamic religious values to our children, such as starting to educate children with noble character, establishing prayers, respecting each other, caring for each other.

Of course, the education we provide must attract children's interest and a sense of emphasis. The methods we apply are interesting and easy for the child to understand, such as giving gifts and so on, so that the child becomes interested and wants to learn the lessons we provide, one of which is the story method because at the age of the childreare very happy to hear fairy tales and stories.

Keywords : Keyword: planting; islamic religious values; child.

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