Nurussakinah Daulay* -  Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN SU, Indonesia
Study patterns of parenting in the family is already much discussed, both within the Islamic perspective or psychology. Parenting in psychology perspective is more emphasis on parenting are 3 types: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The concept of parenting in a more Islamic-oriented parenting practices, rather than on the parenting styles in a family. Parenting is more directed to a method of education that affect children. As these methods are: 1) that is exemplary parenting, 2) the nature parenting advice, 3) Parenting with attention or supervision which includes attention to social education, especially in the practice of teaching, spiritual education, moral and educational concepts which is based on the value of reward and punishment on children.
  1. Alquran Alkarim
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  3. Casmini, Dasar-dasar Pengasuhan Kecerdasan Emosi Anak, Yogyakarta: Nuansa Aksara, 2007.
  4. DeGaetano, Parenting well in a Media Age: Keeping Our Kids Human, Fawnskin, CA: Personhood Press, 2005.
  5. Lestari, E., Psikologi Keluarga.Penanaman Nilai dan Penanganan Konflik dalam Keluarga, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2012.
  6. Muallifah, Psycho Islamic Smart Parenting, Jogjakarta: Diva Press, 2008.
  7. Mahfuzh, M.J., Psikologi Anak dan remaja Muslim, Jakarta: Pustaka Al Kautsar, 2009.
  8. Marini, L., Perbedaan Asertivitas Remaja Ditinjau Dari Pola Asuh orangtua, Medan: Jurnal Psikologia, ISSN: 1858-0327. Vol. 1 No. 2., 2005.
  9. Santrock, J.W., Adolescence (7th ed). New York: Mc Graww Hill, 1998.
  10. Suharsono, Mencerdaskan Anak Sejak Dalam Rahim Ibu Hingga Remaja, Tangerang: Ummah Publishing, 2009.

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