The Profound Bond as A Bedrock of Quality Education: Exploring Al-Ghazali's Perception of Love between Teachers and Students

Adamu Abubakar Muhammad* -  [Scopus ID : 57212998200] Department of Religious Studies Federal University of Kashere Gombe State, Nigeria
Adam Muhammad Ardo -  Modibbo Yusufa Foundation Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria
Ibrahim Dahiru Idriss -  Federal College of Education Technical Potiskum Yobe State, Nigeria
This paper examines the importance of loving relationships between teachers and their students in the Islamic education system, as expressed by Al-Gazali. It first provides a brief overview of Al-Gazali's views of education, then focuses on his concept of love between teachers and students, and finally considers how Al-Gazali's ideas can be applied in modern education systems to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding between teachers and their students. The study employs a qualitative method and uses relevant literature, mostly historical sources from the Islamic world. The study's conclusions showed that Al-Gazali's theory of the spirit of love between educators and students offers important guidance on supporting and caring for students. By emphasizing the development of a strong love bond between the two parties, educators can foster an environment favorable to learning and growth. This advice should be heeded by contemporary educators, who should consciously work to promote a respectful and understanding teacher-student connection. The study concludes that Al-Ghazali's conception of love between instructors and students significantly adds to high-quality instruction in the twenty-first century. Finally, this essay advises modern educators and learners, urging them to infuse their interactions with love to promote the most efficient learning and understanding
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