Community’s Response Toward The Study Program Of Al-Qur’an Science And Tafsir

Ali Sati* -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
Anhar Anhar -  IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to find out how the community's response is toward the study program of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. This research is a qualitative research which in collecting data it uses a phenomenological approach. Data collected is based on inner perspective of human behavior. The main data sources of this study were from Muslim community leaders and were selected by purposive sampling domiciled in Padangsidimpuan. The results found that the community emphasized that the vision, mission and objectives of the development of the Study Program of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir were truly directed towards strengthening scientific and methodological competence in understanding and interpreting the Qur'an. According to the community, the urgent curriculum content was, first, the linguistics of the Qur'an. The second is the sciences concerned the intricacies and various aspects of the Qur'an, which is commonly called ‘ulum al-Qur`an. The third is about the sciences related to the interpretation of manhaj (an approach and methodology of interpretation) that is classical, modern and contemporary. The fourth is the sciences related to the intricacies and various aspects of the hadits which are commonly called ‘ulum al-hadits. The fifth is the sciences related to the philosophy of science and research methodology. The sixth is the sciences related to social science and nature. These aspects are useful for understanding the social and scientific aspects of the verses of the Qur'an.

Keywords : Tracer Study, Study Program, Al-Qur'an and Interpretation (Tafsir)

  1. Abdullah bin ‘Abdurrahman bin al-Fadll bin Bahrâm al-Dârimiy, al-Tamîmiy, Abu Muhammad, Sunan al-Dârimiy, juz I, Pn. Mawqi’ wizârat al-Awqâf al-Mishriyyah, tth.
  2. Amil Mahzul Nasution, Tokoh Agama Kota Padangsidimpuan, interview on 13 Juli 2018 in Kelurahan Pasar Siborang, Padangsidimpuan.
  3. Badruddin Muhammad bin ‘Abdillah al-Zarkasyiy , al-BurhânFî ‘Ulûm al-Qur’an, Pn. Mawqi’ Ya’sûb, tt.,1391 H,
  4. In South Tapanuli Bagian there are 96 boarding schools including madrasah. See “Tapanuli Selatan dalam Angka” dalam
  5. Muhammad bin Jarir bin Yazid bin Katsir bin Ghalib al-Āmiliy, Abu Ja’far al-Thabariy, Tafsir al-Thabariy, Pn. Mawqi’ Majma’ al-Malik Fahd li Thabâ’at al-Mushhaf al-Syarîf, Cetakatan I, tahun2000 M/1420 H.,hlm. 551 (selanjutnya disebut al-Thabariy.
  6. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Djalal H.A, Ulumul Qur’an, reviewer: Prof. Dr. M. Ridlwan Nasir, M.A., Drs.Muhammad Zakki, Pn. Dunia Ilmu, 1998, pg. 2 (called as Abdul Djalal).
  8. Amsir Saleh Siregar dan Sulaiman Siregar, interview on 16 September 2018.
  9. Amsir Saleh Siregar, Idris Nasution dan Ihsan Siregar, interview on tanggal 24-25 Juli 2018.
  10. Amsir Saleh Siregar, Muhammad Idris Nasution, Fitriah Ramadhani and Ihsan Siregar, interview on 7 Juni, 23-25 Juli 2018.
  11. Amsir Saleh Siregar, interview on 16 September 2018 in Kelurahan Ujung Padang.
  12. Amsir Sholeh Siregar, Ulama/Mantan Ketua Umum MUI Tapanuli Selatan, interview on 22 Juli 2018 in Kelurahan Ujung Padang Padangsidimpuan city.
  13. Idris Nasution, Ihsan Siregar, Aisyah dan Amil Mahzul, interview on 25 dan 26 Juli 2018.
  14. Maturidi Siregar, interview on 03 Juni 2018.
  15. Maturidi Siregar, Zainuddin Nasution, Muhammad Idris Nasution dan Amsir Saleh Siregar, wawancara, tanggal 03 Juni, 23 and 24 Juli 2018.
  16. Muhammad Idris Nasution, Astam Lubis, Ihsan Siregar dan Aisyah, interview on 23-25 Juli 2018 in Padangsidimpuan.
  17. Zainuddin Nasution, Mangarahan, Amil Mahzul Nasution, interview on 5 Juni, 24 and 26 Juli 2018.

Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 Ali Sati, Anhar Anhar
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

FITRAH: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
Jl. T. Rizal Nurdin Km. 4,5 Sihitang, Kota Padang Sidempuan
Phone: 0634-22080