Bimbingan Penyuluhan Pernikahan dan Pembinaan Keluarga Sakinah dalam Islam

Nurhasim Nurhasim (Guru SMAN 1 Metro Lampung, Indonesia)


Marriage is the agreement of two people who become one in the family. The purpose of family life is nothing but sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah in the family. Starting from a sense of love (mawaddah) which is owned by both husband and wife, then develops into affection (rahmah) between each family until the creation of calm and peace of life. The creation of a harmonious life can later stem the problems in the household which can destroy the foundation of happiness. By conducting coaching, it is considered capable of suppressing the flow of problems that arise in the household. In addition, by holding firmly the characteristics of a sakinah family is also able to stem the frequent emergence of problems in the family. Such as straight niyat (islâh al-niyyah) and strong relationship with God, compassion, openness, courtesy, and wise communication and deliberation, tolerance and forgiveness, fair and equality, patience and gratitude.


Marriage, Sakinah Family Coaching, Sakinah Family Criteria

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