Title ← Font Times New Roman 14, bold, 1 spacing
Title provided that: a) the title is the formulation of a brief discussion of content, compact, and clear. May use the title of creativity and attract readers (maximum 15 words). b) the title is written in English and Indonesian. c) the title is typed in bold, use capital letters for each beginning of a word, except for conjunctions and prepositions.
Abstract ← Font Times New Roman 11, bold
Abstracts are written in one paragraph using two languages: Indonesian and English. The maximum number of words in an abstract is 250 words. Abstract writing structure must contain several aspects such as 1. Background of the problem; 2. Research objectives; 3. Methods; and 4. Results←11pt Times New Roman, Italic
Keyword : keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 ← Font Times New Roman 11, Italic
INTRODUCTION ← Font Times New Roman 12, Bold
In the introduction section, elaborate on the background of the issue, research objectives, and the benefits of the study supported by previous research and theoretical frameworks. Each argument studied should be substantiated by both primary and recent literature reviews, highlighting gaps, the researcher's argument in addressing these gaps, research questions, and research hypotheses. (The introduction is written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing, normal, justified, with 6pt spacing above and below, and comprises approximately 20% of the total manuscript)..
METHOD ← Font Times New Roman 12, Bold
In the research method section, provide a concise overview of the research methodology, including the research method employed, research subjects, sampling techniques, data collection techniques, and the statistical analysis model (commonly used statistical formulas need not be included in the manuscript). (The research method is written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing, normal, with 6pt spacing above and below, and constitutes approximately 15% of the total page manuscript).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ← Font Times New Roman 12, Bold
Present the findings in a clear and straightforward manner by reporting representative data rather than raw data. Results can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, or a combination of these. Tables and graphs presented should be referenced in the manuscript. Table writing guidelines are indicated in Table 1. Tables should not include vertical lines, while horizontal lines should only appear at the top and bottom of the table. Clearly and succinctly convey the research findings. Results can be presented with the support of graphs, tables, and figures.
Qualitative research results derived from interviews, observations, text interpretation, etc., should be condensed, summarized, or compiled into substantial summaries. Only present substantial findings in the form of descriptive tables to facilitate reader understanding. Excerpts from interviews, descriptions of observation results, text quotes, etc., containing main findings or answers to research questions are presented in the discussion as authentic examples.
The writing of numbers should adhere to specific guidelines, including using a period as a thousand separator, for example, 1700 should be written as 1,700. Decimal numbers should use a comma up to two decimal places, for example, 7.17. If the number is less than 1, a zero before the decimal point should be included, for example, 0.17.
The discussion includes an explanation of the meaning of the results and their implications for future studies. The aim is to interpret and contextualize the research results according to the employed theory, moving beyond mere explanation of findings. Connect the results with the questions posed in the introduction. If there are multiple research objectives, the author should organize them chronologically in the discussion by creating sub-sub discussions. Demonstrate how the author interprets information gathered during the investigation, the relationship between observed facts and established theories or knowledge, the formulation of new theories, modification of existing theories, and the implications of the research results. Authors are encouraged to express their opinions, whether in agreement or disagreement with previously published works.
CONCLUSION ← Font Times New Roman 12, Bold
The conclusion is written clearly and concisely, addressing the issues or objectives of the research. Align it with the statements in the research objectives, but numbering or bullet points are not necessary. This section may include suggestions related to the implementation or results of the research; however, recommendations should be well-founded. Additionally, prospects for the development of research results and future research applications can be added. (The conclusion is written in Times New Roman 12, normal, 1.5 spacing, with margins aligned, and 10% of the total manuscript content).
REFERENCES ← Font Times New Roman 12, Bold
Citation Style
References in the body of the article should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style and be arranged alphabetically. For example, if there is only one author: (Ahmad, 2020); if there are two authors: (Hamdan & Bayu, 2020). If there are three to five authors, write (Darusman et al., 2020). References can also be written with names outside parentheses, for example, Hamdan & Bayu (2020). If the referenced statement is a direct quote, include the page number: for example, (Hamdan & Bayu, 2020:8), or if taking substance from multiple pages: for example, (Hamdan & Bayu, 2020:8-12).
It is recommended that references not consist primarily of direct quotes. However, if there are direct quotes of less than 40 words, they should be written in paragraphs (not separated) and enclosed in quotation marks ("..."). If a direct quote contains 40 words or more, it should be written in a block (separated from the paragraph), indented by 1.27 without quotation marks and followed by the author's name, year, and page in parentheses: for example, (Hamdan & Bayu, 2020:8).
If a core statement is taken from multiple references, all sources are written alphabetically, separated by semicolons (;): for example, (Hamdan, 2020; Bayu, 2020). For translated reference sources, the original author's name, the translation year, and the original book title should be referenced. If there are two references with the same author and year, the year is followed by an alphabet letter, for example, (Hamdan, 2020a) and Hamdan (2020b).
(The results and discussion are written in Times New Roman 12, normal, 1.15 spacing, with margins aligned, and the content of the results and discussion comprises 60% of the entire manuscript).
Rahman, F. S. (2022). Analisis Tafsir Al-Qur’an tentang Relasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan Keluarga. Studia Quranika, 7(1), 119. https://doi.org/10.21111/studiquran.v7i1.7397
Ricoeur, P. (2012). Teori Interpretasi (D. Muhammed (ed.); Terjemahan). IRCiSoD.
Ricoeur, P. (2021). Hermeneutika dan Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora (Y. Santoso (ed.); Terjemahan). IRCiSoD.
Syadzali, H. A. (2016). Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Tentang Fenomena Jilboobs. Studia Insania, 4(2), 117–127.
Syihab, M. Q. (2022). Perempuan (Qamaruddin (ed.); kedua). Lentera Hati.
Wiyatmi. (2012). Kritik Sastra Feminis (Issue Feminisme). Ombak Dua. https://www-thoughtco-com.translate.goog/feminist-literary-criticism-3528960?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=id&_x_tr_hl=id&_x_tr_pto=wapp