Implementasi Teknologi Assistif untuk Siswa Tunarungu di Kelas

Nurul Fadhilah (Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)
Rizki Amaliah Ritonga (Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


Children with special needs (CSN) are an essential part of human resources that require specialattention in education. Despite physical and non-physical limitations, many CSN can achieveremarkable accomplishments with appropriate educational support. This research aims toexplore effective strategies and methods for developing the talents and creativity of childrenwith special needs through an inclusive education approach. Using a qualitative approach withcase study methods, this research involves observations, interviews, and literature studies withsubjects consisting of teachers, parents, and children with special needs. The findings indicatethat early identification of talent and creativity through observation of daily activities andacademic achievements is crucial. Approaches such as Individualized Education Programs(IEP), multisensory learning methods, and Project-Based Learning have proven effective indeveloping the potential of children with special needs. The main challenges faced includelimited resources, social stigma, lack of parental support, and obstacles in educational policiesand curriculum. Therefore, collaborative efforts between the government, schools, teachers,parents, and the community are necessary to create an inclusive educational environment thatsupports the development of talent and creativity in children with special needs.Keywords: children with special needs, talent, creativity, inclusive education, learningstrategies, Individualized Education Program (IEP), multisensory methods, project-based learning.

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