The Model of the Distribution of Inheritance of the Muslim Community of the Lampung Pubian Tribe in the Perspective of Social Construction Theory

Muhamad Rudi Wijaya (STIS Darul Ulum Lampung Timur, Lampung, Indonesia, Indonesia)
M. Syekh Ikhsan Syaifudin (Institut Agama Islam An Nur Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia, Indonesia)
Anas Habibi Ritonga (UIN Syuhada, Padang, Indonesia, Indonesia)


The tradition of the Islamic community of the Pubian tribe in the village of Gedong Tataan regarding the distribution of inheritance is left to the eldest son only. Looking at the situation of modernized societies in many aspects of life, this tradition should have been abandoned, but it should still be maintained. This makes writers interested in exploring deeper traditions. This study is classified as a qualitative study, and the type of study is a case study using a phenomenological approach and is analyzed by social construction theory. The results of this study show that the formation of tradition is at several stages. 1. At the moment of externalization, the process is self-adaptation to the socio-cultural world, which brings about phenomena in the form of adaptation to public inheritance. Traditions, which have historical and normative foundations. 2. At the moment of objectification, the process of self-interaction with the socio-cultural world creates a phenomenon in the form of recognition and belief that public heritage is a positive tradition. 3. At the moment of internalization, the process of self-identification with the socio-cultural world created the phenomenon of social classification based on history and the group that preserved it. The reason the Islamic community in the village of Gedong Tataan has realized and maintained this tradition is that they want to avoid conflicts and divisions and even fight for property.


Model, Social Construction, Traditional Inheritance, Pubian Tribe

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Sistem informasi desa Gedong Tataan,



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