Analisis Efikasi Pengentasan Kemiskinan
The number of poor people in Padangsidimpuan City has increased from 2019-2020. The PKH program is one of the government's ways of alleviating poverty. PKH is also provided in the Padangmatinggi Selawan Village. Researchers want to know how effective PKH is in alleviating poverty in Padangmatinggi Lestari Village. The discussion in this research is related to macroeconomics. The theories used in this research are effectiveness theory, poverty alleviation theory, and PKH. Effectiveness is a measurement of the level of success, poverty alleviation is action, both economic and social, with the aim of lifting people out of poverty permanently, and PKH is one of the government programs to realize poverty alleviation. This research is qualitative research with data sources, primary and secondary data. The data collection techniques used by researchers are interview, observation and documentation techniques. With a total of 10 informants, consisting of 1 key informant, 8 main informants, and 1 additional informant. The results of the research show that the objectives of PKH in Padangmatinggi Lestari Subdistrict have been achieved if seen from the sectors of meeting the health, education and consumption needs of PKH recipient participants. However, it cannot be said to be effective because PKH recipient participants do not fully fulfill the indicators for poverty alleviation efforts. Then, looking at the effectiveness indicators, it is not on target because many PKH participants still do not clearly understand the program's objectives, making the program ineffective.
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