Budi Gautama Siregar (Tenaga pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


Library is a means of storing a collection of library materials both fiction and non-fiction whose use is aimed at both the public, educational institutions and non-educational institutions. While the library-specific service management is the arrangement of all sources (human and non-human) in the framework of the implementation of services specifically in the work unit in the form of a collection of library materials that are managed and arranged systematically in a certain way to be used by the wearer as a source of information to achieve the goal Institution / school more optimally.

The library is said to be good and qualified if it can meet several criteria, among others are: (1) qualified and professional human resources, (2) relevant and actual collections, (3) good service system and quality, and (4) supported by Facilities and adequate infrastructure.

Good service quality is user satisfaction serve as a benchmark to create excellent service in a library. Therefore, the strategy should be applied that is understanding the need for service quality improvement, service quality improvement, making alternative solutions problem solving, deeply studied and decided the relevant solutions, studying the results of the solution, then the results will be known and set the standard for the solution pursued. In analyzing the effectiveness of technology-based library services can be done using queuing theory in order to minimize the total cost of a service provided. If the step is done, then the satisfaction of the user will easily be achieved and user loyalty was realized by itself.


Library; Management; Technology; Service

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