Andilan tradition in Betawi Society (Living Hadith Study)
Andilan Tradition is one of the local wisdoms of Betawi culture found in Pondok Labu Village, South Jakarta. Andilan Tradition is a tradition of slaughtering buffalo animals carried out when approaching Eid al-Fitr. Andilan Tradition is a form of celebration of the Betawi people in welcoming the big holiday of Eid al-Fitr. This study was conducted to find out more about the implementation of the Andilan tradition, the values in the Andilan tradition, the hadiths related to the tradition, and the understanding of the community in understanding the hadiths. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach, as well as collaboration between field research and literature review. The conclusion of this study is that it can reveal the practice of implementing the Andilan tradition, the hadiths related to the tradition, and the way the community understands the hadith. Thus, this study will help the Pondok Labu community to understand the hadiths that live in the Andilan tradition.
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