Jigsaw Technique Towards Students’ Writing Ability At Grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu

Imanda Putri Harahap (IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)
Yusni Sinaga ()
Rayendriyani Fahmei Lubis ()


The purpose of this research are to describe the students’ writing ability before using jigsaw technique, to describe the students’ writing ability after using jigsaw technique, and to examine wether there is effect of jigsaw technique is significant or not. This research uses experimental research as the method. Two classes were chosen randomly as the sample. The sample were class X- IPA that consisted of 30 students as experimental class and X- IPS1 that consisted of 28 students as control class. It was conducting normality and homogeinity test. The data was derived from pre-test and post-test. To analyze the data, the researcher used t-test formula. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the mean score of experimental class after using jigsaw technique was higher than control class (71.31>57.81), and the mean score of experimental class before using jigsaw technique was lower than control class (48.12<50.04), and the score of tcount was bigger than ttable (5.037>1.67252), it means that Ha was accepted. It was concluded that there was significant effect of using Jigsaw Technique Towards Students’ Writing Ability at Grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu

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