Muhammad Arsad (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan Fakultas Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum, Indonesia)


The Corona virus, known as COVID-19, is different from previous viruses such as SARS, which has a very rapid spread. The form of its spread is also very easy, namely contact with objects exposed to the virus such as holding it and then accidentally hand touch the mouth, nose, and eyes then the virus will infect a person, or through breathing droplets produced by people infected with the virus that are spread with sneezing or coughing. Nutmeg spreading like this can only be limited by social distanching. The policy of distance protection has an impact on the prohibition of the implementation of worship involving worshipers such as Friday prayers, tarawih, praying five time in congregation, and ‘Idaini. Rukhshah becomes an offer to this problem by giving lightness to the red and orange zones leaving the implementation of worship in congregation and carrying out worship at home, the yellow zone giving leeway to carry out worship in congregation at a minimum distance of one meter between worshipers by observing the appeals The government avoids contacting and washing hands, the green zone can carry out regular worship in congregation but heed the government rules of distance and washing hands (keep clean)


COVID-19, Rukhshah, Ibadah Mahdah

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24952/yurisprudentia.v6i1.2541


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