Dwi Rahayu (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia)
Al Qodar Purwo Sulistyo (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia)


Many legal cases have received sharp attention from the public. Both to law enforcement officers, law enforcement institutions, and judges' decisions that are considered "not fulfilling" the values of justice for the community. Binziad Kadafi , a member of the Judicial Commission (KY). He revealed that the public has a negative perception of the integrity and inconsistency of judges' decisions. Given the importance of a decision for judges as law enforcers at the forefront, and also considering the importance of a decision as jurisprudence, and also as a form of internal and externaal supervision. The purpose of this research is the author would like to dig deeper into the implementation Digitizing Judicial Decisions in the Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court. This type of research is classified as descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data sources for this research are judges, advocates, justice seekers and legal sources and legal literature related to this research. Furthermore, the research method used is the distribution of questionnaires to 17 judges located in 5 (five) islands in Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Bali and Papua. Questionnaires were also distributed to 50 advocates/community seeking justice in the Sidoarjo Religious Court area. Then the data analysis technique in this study was carried out in three stages, namely: data reduction, data interpretation and conclusion drawing and Likert Scale 4 assessment. The results of the study prove that the implementation of digitizing decisions in the Supreme Court Decision Directory is included in the "Very Good" category. with the digitization of decisions, it encourages judges to be more thorough, faster, and more efficient in making their decisions. However, there needs to be improvement efforts such as increasing server capacity and also server maintenance .


Digitization of Judicial Decisions, Fair law, Supreme Court Decision

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