In achieving learning outcomes in mathematics learning that is brought about by Gagne is the task of a teacher to understand in advance what to do and prepare students in order to achieve learning goals or learning outcomes. The concept of mathematical learning according to Gagne Theory there are several kinds of learning outcomes namely verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes and motor skills. The learning outcomes that will be achieved according to Gagne are as follows: (1) Verbal Information. Verbal information capability is the ability to communicate verbally his knowledge of facts. Verbal information is obtained verbally, reading books and so on. This information can be classified as facts, principles, generalization names, (2) Intellectual Skills are the capabilities of intellectual skills to be able to distinguish, master concepts, rules, and solve problems. These abilities are obtained through learning. (3) Cognitive Strategy. Cognitive strategy capability is the ability to coordinate and develop thought processes by recording, making analysis and synthesis,
Attitudes. The tendency to respond appropriately to the stimulus on the basis of the assessment based on the stimulus. The response given by someone to an object might be a positive maybe negative. Depending on the assessment of the object in question, (5) Motor skills are a person's skills can be seen from the speed, accuracy, and smooth movement of the muscles and bodies shown by the person in learning.Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24952/logaritma.v6i02.1280
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