Development of a Mathematics Module Based on a Scientific Learning Approach at SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan

Didik Rezki Suryani (Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


This study aims to develop a learning device product with a valid, effective, and practical scientific learning approach. The learning tools developed include: mathematics modules, learning implementation plans, and student activity sheets.This research is a development research that uses a modified 4D device development model design according to ThiagarajanSemmel and Semmel. The subjects in this study were class VII-4 students of SMP Negeri 8 Padangsidimpuan.In this study, the stages carried out were only to produce the final product and were not widely implemented. The results of the study show that learning tools with a scientific approach are valid, effective and practical.From the results of the development test: (1) the mathematics module based on a scientific learning approach meets the validity criteria based on experts, (2) the mathematics module based on a scientific learning approach meets the criteria for effective use based on observations of achieving the ideal percentage of time, and fulfills the classical completeness result of ≥ 85 % of the test subjects, and from the results of observations of the teacher's ability to manage learning, and (3) the mathematics module based on a scientific learning approach meets practical criteria based on teacher and student response questionnaires.


Development; Mathematics Module Based on Scientific Learning Approach; Scientific Approach.

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Tadris Matematika FTIK UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

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