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Available online: 2022-12-26 | Published : 2022-12-26
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Abstract Views: 127 times
It is necessary to understand the measurement of the poverty level and the factors that influence it in determining how economic development can improve living standards and social welfare and how various policies implemented by the government affect the poor. This poverty occurs because there are many unemployed people. Unemployment occurs because there is a gap between the number of workers and the supply of jobs looking for work. High unemployment rates can bring various impacts in the process of economic development. So that it does not continue to continue, the government must participate in overcoming the problem of unemployment, because the problem of unemployment is a very vital and sensitive issue for the security of a country and economic stability. Unemployment can have a very dangerous impact if it is not addressed immediately. Unemployment has an impact in the social, economic, and individually on the perpetrators of unemployment itself. Inflation is a condition of rising prices for goods and services in general and continuously. In general, this means that the price increase does not only occur for one type of goods, but the price increase covers the group of goods consumed by the public, moreover, the price increase will affect the prices of other goods on the market. Continuous means that the increase occurred not just for a moment.
This research is a quantitative research using saturated or census samples. Where the data in this study is secondary data (historical data structures about variables that have been collected and collected beforehand by other parties) with a total sample of 36 samples. Data processing was carried out with the Evies version 9 application with data analysis techniques used were descriptive analysis, panel data estimation model selection, normality test, classic assumption test, hypothesis testing, R2 coefficient of determination test, and the results of multiple linear regression estimation.
The results of this study indicate that partially inflation has an effect on poverty, this can be proven from the probability value tcount 1.931002 > from ttable value 1.69236. Likewise, unemployment has an effect on poverty, this can be proven from the tcount probability value of 5.071102 > from the ttable value of 1.69236. from the value of the coefficient of determination which is denoted by adjusted R-squared which has a value of 0.561554, this indicates that 56.15% of the variables unemployment and inflation simultaneously affect poverty and the remaining 43.85% are influenced by other variables .
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