Analisis Potensi Wisata Halal Air Terjun Simatutung Rianiate Kecamatan Angkola Sangkunur


Habib -(1Mail),
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Available online: 2022-12-28  |  Published : 2022-12-28

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Abstract Views: 177 times


The mindset of the people about the concept of halal was initially limited to food, drinks, cosmetics and medicines that were free from prohibited uses, but now people's awareness of the truth has increased sharply, giving birth to significant evolution in various aspects of life from primary life to lifestyles that have begun to consider aspects halal. With the development of the halal tourism industry, it is increasingly proving that if Islamic teachings and rules are implemented it will not hinder the progress of ongoing businesses but can even further increase their excellence. The trend of halal tourism as one of fulfilling the current lifestyle has become a world tourism force that is starting to develop rapidly. The purpose of this research is to find out the strengths of Halal tourism at Simatutung Waterfall, to find out the weaknesses of Halal tourism at Simatutung Waterfall, to find out the opportunities that Halal tourism at Simatutung Waterfall has, to find out the threats that Halal tourism at Simatutung Waterfall has. This research is expected to find out the conditions and potential of the location from another point of view and the results of the research that has been done so that it is able to fix deficiencies, develop and maximize its potential.In this study, the researcher used a type of qualitative research which is descriptive research analysis which describes data and information based on facts obtained in the field which are analyzed then concluded that data analysis is the process of organizing data affairs and organizing them into categories. Qualitative research is a type of research in the form of words or pictures. Based on the results of the research, the natural panorama where the Simatutung waterfall is located is very beautiful and the air is so cool. Because it is overgrown with large trees and the charm of the beauty of an extraordinary waterfall. So it's understandable that this one tour is in great demand by local and non-local tourists.


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