Dodi Sofyan(1),
(1) , Indonesia
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Available online: 2023-08-04 | Published : 2023-08-04
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Abstract Views: 86 times XML Downloaded: 26 times XML Downloaded: 20 timesAbstract
This research was conducted based on the lack of interest in sharia entrepreneurship in students of the Islamic Economics Study Program with a concentration in Business Management FEBI IAIN Padangsidimpuan Class of 2017 indicating that the interest in entrepreneurship has not been fully formed. This can be seen from the absence of real entrepreneurial action or the continuation of holding an entrepreneurship bazaar from students who have been provided with theories such as the teaching and learning process in entrepreneurship courses, business plans and practices in entrepreneurship such as entrepreneurship days and entrepreneurship bazaars. The discussion of this research concerns the relationship between Islamic Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Family Environment and Self-Efficacy with Islamic Entrepreneurial Interests.
This research is a quantitative research. The sample used in this study was 60 respondents from all students of the Islamic economics study program concentrating on business management class of 2017. Sampling used the Slovin formula. The sampling technique is Incidental Sampling, the data sources are primary data and secondary data, and the data collection used is a questionnaire technique (questionnaire). Data analysis used is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test), multiple linear regression analysis test, coefficient of determination test (R Square), hypothesis test (t test and f test) using i.e. SPSS version 23.
Based on the results of research on the variable knowledge of sharia entrepreneurship does not affect interest in sharia entrepreneurship, this is evidenced by the value of tcount < ttable (1.673 <1.288), then Ha1 is not accepted and the family environment variable influences interest in sharia entrepreneurship with a value of tcount > ttable (3.608 > 1.673), then Ha2 is accepted. Then the self-efficacy variable on sharia entrepreneurship interest with a value of tcount > ttable (5.301 > 1.673) then Ha3 is accepted. Then knowledge of sharia entrepreneurship, family environment and self-efficacy simultaneously influence interest in sharia entrepreneurship with a value of Fcount > Ftable (37.841 > 3.16), then Ha4 is accepted.
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