Students’ Perception toward Good Lecturer Pedagogical Competence

Andi Asrifan (Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang, Indonesia)
Ali Wira Rahman (Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, Indonesia)
Raveenthiran Vivekanantharasa (Open University,, Sri Lanka)
K.J Vargheese (Christ College (Autonomous) Irinjalakuda, India)
Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan (Government College University Hyderabad, Pakistan)
Gül Erkol Bayram (Sinop Üniversity, Turkey)


As the application of the four competencies for the lecturers in teaching and learning becomes a new business for them to fulfil those competencies (pedagogical, professional, personality, social). This impacts the provision of a new method for students in learning activities so that a teacher could develop a curriculum per the respective educational unit and the local needs of each student. The first pedagogical competence deals with a lecturer's ability to manage the classroom and facilitates the students’ diversity. Sometimes lecturers apply different pedagogic actions to students' perceptions so that what is supposed to be good by lecturers sometimes inversely with students’ intake. This study aimed to facilitate the students' perception regarding the pedagogical perception of a good lecturer. The result is supposed to be some consideration from the lecturer in applied pedagogical action in the classroom.


pedagogical; professional; personality; social; perception

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