Application of The Discovery Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class V Students SDN 157017 Pinangsori 11
One of the reasons for the low learning outcomes of students in Islamic Religious Education (Qs.Al-Ma'un) learning is that the learning model used by teachers is not appropriate, where learning is still teacher centered. The aim of this research is to improve PAI learning outcomes through the application of the discovery learning model. This research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were class V students at SDN 157017 Pinangsori 11. The results of this study stated that the PAI learning outcomes for class V students at SDn 157017 Pinangsori 11 increased according to expectations. This success was caused by the application of the discovery learning learning model, this was proven by the pre-cycle student test results with 28.57% completeness which continued to increase from cycle I to get 62.5% student learning results which achieved completeness while in the second cycle it achieved 87, 5% with satisfactory results.
Keywords : Discovery Learning; Student; Learning Outcomes
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