Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through the Think Pair Share Method in the Subject of Akidah Akhlak in MAN 2 Padang Lawas
This research aims to: (1) understand student learning outcomes in the subject of Akidah Akhlak, specifically in the compulsory attributes of Allah SWT in MAN 2 Padang Lawas, (2) measure the improvement in student learning outcomes before and after the application of the Think-Pair-Share method in the subject of Akidah Akhlak, specifically in the compulsory attributes of Allah SWT in MAN 2 Padang Lawas. The research method is classroom action research. The research was conducted in two action cycles, and the data was collected using observation sheets, documentation, and field notes. The research instrument used was an observation sheet on student learning activity. Data analysis was conducted using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that the level of student learning outcomes in the subject of Akidah Akhlak, specifically in the compulsory attributes of Allah SWT in MAN 2 Padang Lawas, increased from 25% (low category) in cycle I to 85% (high category) in cycle II after the application of the Think-Pair-Share method.
Keywords : Method; Think-Pair-Share; Learning Outcomes.
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