Pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan

Sholla Ayu Minati (Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia)
Muhammad llham Syarif (Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia)
Niki Dian Permana P (Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia)


This research was conducted with the aim of producing a Project Based Learning Science Module product on environmental pollution material. The research was conducted by the author using the development research method (research and development) with the Plomp Development model. The research steps in this study consisted of 3 stages, namely the Preliminary Research phase, the Development phase (Prototyping Phase) and the Assessment Phase. The results of the validity of the products developed were declared very valid based on the results of validation by learning material experts with a value of 93%, teaching material experts with a value of 86%. It was declared very practical by the teacher with a value of 94%, and was declared very good by students with a value of 93%. Based on the results of these data it can be concluded that the Project Based Learning-based science module on environmental pollution material is declared valid and practical to use as a junior high school / MTs science teaching material


Teaching Materials, Project Based Learning Module, Environmental Pollution

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