This study aims to describe the implementation of interactive multimedia animation videos in increasing the learning motivation of grade 1 B students in the subject of Civics Education Theme 5, as well as the positive impacts that arise after the application of interactive multimedia animation videos in increasing the learning motivation of grade 1 B students at MI Al-Ishlah Jepara. The type of research used is field research with a qualitative approach. This study uses data collection techniques through the observation method, interview method with 6 subjects namely the principal, science subject teacher, curriculum teacher, and 3 students in grade 1 B, and the documentation method. The data analysis method used is through observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data from this study using triangulation techniques with data analysis in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this study can show that: 1) The implementation of interactive multimedia animation videos can increase students' learning motivation in several ways, namely the teacher explains the material using animated multimedia videos, students listen and pay attention, the teacher gives questions to students in turn as a form of for strengthening the level of understanding of students, the teacher provides evaluations in the form of worksheets to students in order to find out how successful students are in learning seen through the learning outcomes obtained. Thus, the application of interactive multimedia video animation is very appropriate to be used to increase students' learning motivation. 2) the positive impact when the application of interactive multimedia video animation takes place is that students can be enthusiastic in participating in lessons, they also look active, focused, responsive, and enthusiastic in the learning process and are able to understand the material well, so that the learning outcomes they get are maximized because they are motivated to learn.
Keywords : Multimedia, IPA, Sekolah Dasar
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