
Sahara Yusnita(1Mail),
(1) , Indonesia

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Article Analytic

Available online: 2022-12-26  |  Published : 2022-12-26

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Economic growth is a measure of the success of economic development. Economic growth can be increased by optimizing sectors that contribute to a region's GRDP. Therefore, the local government needs to identify and explore the potential resources that the region has so that it can be developed into a leading sector as a driving force for the economy. The formulation of the research problem is how the development of the growth of the economic sector in the South Tapanuli Regency based on GRDP in 2016-2020, and what are the sectors that play a role as leading sectors in South Tapanuli Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out the development of the growth of the economic sector in the South Tapanuli Regency based on GRDP in 2016-2020, and to find out what sectors are the leading sectors in South Tapanuli Regency.

The discussion of this research relates to the field of regional economics, namely theories relating to regional development, economic planning, economic development, economic growth, Gross Regional Domestic Product, basis theory, and leading sectors and their financing features.

This research is a descriptive quantitative research that uses secondary data in the form of time series published at the Central Bureau of Statistics of South Tapanuli Regency for 2016-2020. The analytical tools used in this study are Location Quotient, Shift-Share, and Klassen Typology analysis.

Based on the discussion that has been carried out, it can be seen that the growth of the economic sector in South Tapanuli Regency in 2016-2020 has experienced unstable growth and a very large decline in 2020. The results of the Location Quotient analysis show the base sector or leading sector in South Tapanuli Regency with LQ criteria > 1 namely the agricultural sector, the mining sector, the electricity and gas sector, and the administrative sector. The Shift Share analysis results show that the sectors which are competitive are the agricultural sector, the industrial sector, the air procurement sector, the construction sector, the trade sector, the transportation sector, the accommodation sector, the financial services sector, and the real estate sector. The results of the Klassen Typology analysis show that the sector is advanced and growing rapidly or a sector with a Quadrant I position, namely the mining sector and the administrative sector.


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