The curriculum has a central role in the world of education, in its journey, it always changes to adapt to the current developments in the form of a written and systematic plan. The hope is that it can lead students to become complete human beings. Even though in reality not all students can achieve these goals, it needs to be explored in detail regarding what factors can encourage the curriculum to be implemented to students properly and successfully as a whole. So the purpose of this study is to describe the Success Factors for Curriculum Implementation with a focus on the Islamic Religious Education learning curriculum in schools. The method used in this study is qualitative with a literature study approach, and the data analysis used is descriptive content analysis so that it is relevant to the research topic and then finally concluded. The results of this study indicate that the factors for successful implementation of the curriculum are good and mature planning, the involvement of various parties (principals, teachers, students, and the community) in the running of the curriculum, and monitoring and evaluation as well as feedback. While specifically in PAI subjects the success factor is dominated by teachers, students and the environment.
Keywords : Success Factors; Implementation; Curriculum
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