Analysis of General Chemistry Teaching and Learning Resources: Department of Agro-technology University of Medan Area

Fitri Anggraini (STIKOM Tunas Bangsa, Indonesia)
Silvia Elastari Matondang (UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


This study aims to describe how the teaching materials related to chemical in the curriculum of the Department of Agro-technology Medan Area University. For the purpose of observation, interviews and giving questionnaires to various stakeholders in the Department of Agro-technology University Medan Area. Results obtained in the form of retribution subjects related to chemistry as much as 7 subjects with a weight of 20 credits or as much as 13.8 % of the total of 145 credits. Those subjects are General Chemistry, Biochemistry Agriculture, Basic Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer, Seed Technology, Post-Harvest Technology and Advanced Plantation Crops.


Chemistry Teaching Materials, Curriculum

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